Our Guarantee
We guarantee that we put our experience, processes & networks in place for you. We empower you with powerful marketing data & intelligence. We guide you through the process of buying or selling your home- start to finish & introduce you to our vast network of partners & support services.
our guarantee
Easy Exit Listing
What’s your biggest fear when you list your home with a real estate agent? Worrying about being locked into a lengthy listing agreement with a less than competent agent, costing your home valuable time & exposure on the market.Worry no more… We take the risk & the fear out of listing your home with a real estate agent. How? Through our Easy Exit Listing Agreement.
When you list your home through us, you can cancel your listing any time. No hassles. No obligation. Simple.
We have strong opinions about real estate service & believe that if you are unhappy with the service you receive, you should have the power to fire your agent!
Cancel Anytime
You may cancel your listing anytime. Absolutely no obligation.
You can relax, knowing you're not locked into a lengthy contract.
Caliber of Service
Enjoy the caliber of service confident enough to make this offer.
Risk Free
Takes the Risk Out of Listing Your Home with an Agent!
Offers & Negotiations
Market Analysis
I educate my clients about the offering process & by conducting a thorough market analysis to understanding their negotiating position.
Competitive Offers
I help my clients formulate an informed & competitive offer based on objective valuation tools such as MLS listings & AVMs.
Offer Presentation & Negotiations
I guide my clients through the process of presenting an offer & negotiating with the seller to get the best deal possible.